Namespace Operations

Interact with the namespaces on the Paraglider Controller. The active namespace is a client-side CLI construct. All REST requests to the controller will be scoped on a namespace.


glide namespace set <namespace>


  • namespace: namespace to set on the controller


Gets the current active namespace in the CLI (Note: this is only a CLI feature).

glide namespace get


Lists all namespaces configured on the controller.

glide namespace list
GET /namespaces/

Resource Operations


Creates a resource according to the description provided in the specified cloud. Note that a tag is automatically created for the resource with the name <namespace>.<cloud>.<name> (where name is the resource name provided – i.e., names inside the json description of the resource will be ignored).

glide resource create <cloud> <resource_name> <path_to_json>


  • cloud: name of the cloud to create the resource in

  • resource_name : name of the resource to be created in the Paraglider controller (note: this name will be scoped on cloud and namespace when stored)

  • path_to_json: path to JSON file describing the resource to be created (excluding networking details)

POST /namespaces/{namespace}/clouds/{cloud}/resources
  • Example request body:

    "name": "resourceName",
    "description": "{
                \"location\": \"eastus\",
                \"properties\": {
                    \"hardwareProfile\": {
                        \"vmSize\": \"Standard_B1s\"
                    \"osProfile\": {
                        \"adminPassword\": \"\",
                        \"adminUsername\": \"\",
                        \"computerName\": \"sample-compute\"
                    \"storageProfile\": {
                        \"imageReference\": {
                            \"offer\": \"0001-com-ubuntu-minimal-jammy\",
                            \"publisher\": \"canonical\",
                            \"sku\": \"minimal-22_04-lts-gen2\",
                            \"version\": \"latest\"


  • namespace: Paraglider namespace to operate in

  • cloud: name of the cloud to create the resource in

  • name : name of the resource to be created in the Paraglider controller (note: this name will be scoped on cloud and namespace when stored)

  • description: JSON string describing the resource to be created (excluding networking details)

PUT /namespaces/{namespace}/clouds/{cloud}/resources/{resourceName}
  • Example request body:

"description": "{
                \"location\": \"eastus\",
                \"properties\": {
                    \"hardwareProfile\": {
                        \"vmSize\": \"Standard_B1s\"
                    \"osProfile\": {
                        \"adminPassword\": \"\",
                        \"adminUsername\": \"\",
                        \"computerName\": \"sample-compute\"
                    \"storageProfile\": {
                        \"imageReference\": {
                            \"offer\": \"0001-com-ubuntu-minimal-jammy\",
                            \"publisher\": \"canonical\",
                            \"sku\": \"minimal-22_04-lts-gen2\",
                            \"version\": \"latest\"


  • namespace: Paraglider namespace to operate in

  • cloud: name of the cloud to create the resource in

  • resource_name : name of the resource to be created in the Paraglider controller (note: this name will be scoped on cloud and namespace when stored)

  • description: JSON string describing the resource to be created (excluding networking details)

Permit List Operations

These operations interact with the permit list associated with a given resource by adding/deleting/getting rules.


Gets the rules associated with a resource.

glide rule get <cloud> <resource_name>


  • cloud: name of the cloud that the resource is in

  • resource_name: Paraglider name of the resource

GET /namespaces/{namespace}/clouds/{cloud}/resources/{resourceName}/rules


  • namespace: Paraglider namespace to operate in

  • cloud: name of the cloud that the resource is in

  • resourceName: Paraglider name of the resource


Adds one or many rules to the permit list associated with a resource.

glide rule add <cloud> <resource_name> [--ssh <tag> --ping <tag> | --ruleFile <path_to_file>]


  • cloud: name of the cloud that the resource is in

  • resource_name: Paraglider name of the resource

  • path_to_file: path to JSON file describing rules to add
    • The file should describe rules in the following format:

            "name": "rulename",
            "id": "id",
            "tags": ["tagname"],
            "direction": 0,
            "src_port": 1,
            "dst_port": 2,
            "protocol": 3
  • tag: Paraglider tag or IP/CIDR to allow SSH/ICMP traffic to/from

POST /namespaces/{namespace}/clouds/{cloud}/resources/{resourceName}/rules

Creates/updates one rule of a resource’s permit list.

  • Example Request Body:

    "name": "rulename",
    "id": "id",
    "tags": ["tagname"],
    "direction": 0,
    "src_port": 1,
    "dst_port": 2,
    "protocol": 3


  • namespace: Paraglider namespace to operate in

  • cloud: name of the cloud that the resource is in

  • resourceName: Paraglider name of the resource

PUT /namespaces/{namespace}/clouds/{cloud}/resources/{resourceName}/rules/{ruleName}

Creates/updates one rule of a resource’s permit list.

  • Example Request Body:

    "name": "rulename",
    "id": "id",
    "tags": ["tagname"],
    "direction": 0,
    "src_port": 1,
    "dst_port": 2,
    "protocol": 3


  • namespace: Paraglider namespace to operate in

  • cloud: name of the cloud that the resource is in

  • resourceName: Paraglider name of the resource

  • ruleName: name of the rule


If the name is provided in the request body, it will be ignored

POST /namespaces/{namespace}/clouds/{cloud}/resources/{resourceName}/applyRules

Creates/updates rules of resource in bulk.

  • Example Request Body:

        "name": "rulename",
        "id": "id",
        "tags": ["tagname"],
        "direction": 0,
        "src_port": 1,
        "dst_port": 2,
        "protocol": 3


  • namespace: Paraglider namespace to operate in

  • cloud: name of the cloud that the resource is in

  • resourceName: Paraglider name of the resource


Deletes one or many rules from the permit list associated with the specified resource.

glide rule delete <cloud> <resource_name> --rules <rule_names>


  • cloud: name of the cloud that the resource is in

  • resource_name: Paraglider name of the resource

  • rule_names: list of rule names to delete

DELETE /namespaces/{namespace}/clouds/{cloud}/resources/{resourceName}/rules/{ruleName}

Deletes one rule of a resource’s permit list.


  • namespace: Paraglider namespace to operate in

  • cloud: name of the cloud that the resource is in

  • resourceName: Paraglider name of the resource

  • ruleName: name of the rule

POST /namespaces/{namespace}/clouds/{cloud}/resources/{resourceName}/deleteRules

Deletes rules of resource in bulk.

  • Example Request Body:



  • namespace: Paraglider namespace to operate in

  • cloud: name of the cloud that the resource is in

  • resourceName: Paraglider name of the resource

Tag Operations

Operations on Paraglider tags.


Gets the children tags associated with a tag or resolves the tag down to last-level entries (IPs).

glide tag get <tag> [--resolve]


  • tag: tag to get

  • resolve: true/false value indicating whether to resolve to last-level tags or not

GET /tags/{tag}/
POST /tags/{tag}/resolve


  • tag: tag to get


Adds children tags to a parent tag or creates a last-level tag that associates a names with an URI and/or IP.

glide tag set <tag> [--children <child_tag_list>] | [--uri <uri>] [--ip <ip>]


  • tag: tag to set

  • children: list of tags to add as children

  • uri: uri to associate with tag

  • ip: ip to associate with tag

POST /tags/{tag}/applyMembers
  • Example Request Body:

    "tag_name": "tag",
    "uri": "uri",
    "ip": ""
  • Example Request Body

    "tag_name": "tag",
    "child_tags": [

Parameters: * tag: tag to set * children: list of tags to add as children * uri: uri to associate with tag * ip: ip to associate with tag”


Deletes a tag or the association of members tags to that tag.

glide tag delete <tag> [--member <members_list>]


  • tag: tag to delete

  • member: child tag to remove membership

DELETE /tags/{tag}/member/{member}

Deletes a single member from a parent tag.

Parameters: * tag: parent tag * members: child tag to remove membership

DELETE /tags/{tag}

Deletes an entire tag (and all its child associations).


  • tag: tag to delete

Service Operations

Operations to interact with Paraglider services.

All Services

glided startup <path_to_config>


glided orch <path_to_config>


glided az <port> <central_controller_address>

The central_controller_address should be the full host:port address where the central controller is hosted for RPC traffic. In the example config above, this is “localhost:8081”.


glided gcp <port> <central_controller_address>

The central_controller_address should be the full host:port address where the central controller is hosted for RPC traffic. In the example config above, this is “localhost:8081”.

Tag Service

glided tagserv <redis_port> <server_port> <clear_keys>

clear_keys is a bool (“true” or “false”) which determines whether the database state should be cleared on startup or not.

Key-Value Store Service

glided kvserv <redis_port> <server_port> <clear_keys>

clear_keys is a bool (“true” or “false”) which determines whether the database state should be cleared on startup or not.