Controller Setup

This page explains how to set up the Paraglider controller. The controller consists of many microservices which communicate via RPCs. Each microservice can be run on a different machine, but in this guide we will assume that all microservices are running on the same machine. For information on the commands for running each individual microservice, see API.


The controller is configured using a configuration file. The configuration file is a YAML file with the following fields:

    host: "localhost"
    port: 8080
    rpcPort: 8081

    - name: "gcp"
      host: "localhost"
      port: 8082
    - name: "azure"
      host: "localhost"
      port: 8083
    - name: "ibm"
      host: "localhost"
      port: 8084

        - name: "azure"
          deployment: "/subscriptions/${AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID}/resourceGroups/${AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP}"
        - name: "gcp"
          deployment: "projects/${GCP_PROJECT_ID}"
        - name: "ibm"
          deployment: "/resourcegroup/${IBM_RESOURCE_GROUP}"

    host: "localhost"
    port: 8085

    host: "localhost"
    port: 8086

This file contains all information needed to spin up each of the microservices.

  • The server field determines where the main controller service should be hosted (for user REST requests and plugin RPCs). This service is the frontend to the controller and orchestrates the other services.

  • The cloudPlugins field determines where the each cloud plugin should be hosted.

  • The namespaces field contains information about the namespaces. Each namespace has a name and consists of at least one cloud deployment.

    • A cloud deployment consists of the name of the cloud (“azure”, “gcp”, or “ibm”) and the ID of the deployment. Exactly what maps to a deployment depends on the cloud. In Azure and IBM, this is a resource group. In GCP, it is a project.

  • The tagService field determines where the tag service should be hosted.

  • The kvStore field determines where the key-value store should be hosted.

Running the Controller

To run the controller all locally, you need to run the following command:

$ glided startup <path_to_config_file>

Alternatively, all microservices can be spun up individually. For information on the commands for running each individual microservice, see API.